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Hope for Mothers

Limited edition collection in support of the Maternity Foundation


The Maternity Foundation is a Danish organization that works to create safer births for mothers and babies in developing countries, where giving birth to children can otherwise be associated with life-threatening risks.

BOLOU would like to support that effort.

Hope for the lives of women and newborn children

"I have chosen the Maternity Foundation because I wanted to support a charity that spoke particularly to me as a woman and as a mother. I am very grateful for all the knowledge and help that was available when I was about to give birth myself. But unfortunately it is not a matter of course everywhere in the world. The Maternity Foundation works to improve the poor birth conditions that many women have to suffer from. The hope they thereby create for the vulnerable women and children is unique and valuable to me."

Bolette Louise Sig Mathiasen, BOLOU's Founder

HOPE For Mothers

Diamonds, tsavorites and sapphires in feminine, soft shades, specially selected in collaboration with the Maternity Foundation

Limited Edition

The HOPE For Mothers earrings are produced in a limited number, and all sets are therefore engraved with the numbers 1-8.